

Kongliga Kemisektionen (The Chemistry Chapter), a part of THS (Student Union at KTH) is the chapter for the composition of the students studying the Bachelor and Master programs in Chemistry and Biotechnology at KTH.

The purpose of the Chapter is to support studies and the student life for it's members. Education influence, social activities, business connections and student welfare are examples of things we strive and work for.

The Chapter were founded in 1910 and the chapter color is golden yellow. Our emblem is a salamander clutching a chemical vessel with our motto: Veritas Hermetica. Learn more about our history here.

Our Chapter Hall is Draget, short for Dragskåpet and you can find us at Campus. 


Teknikringen 36b
114 28 Stockholm

Delivery address

Teknikringen 36b
114 28 Stockholm

Postal/Billing address 

Teknikringen 36b
100 44 Stockholm

Org nr: 802413-2154