The Education Board, SN:

The education board (SN)

The Education Board (Studiemiljönämnden, SN) serves as a bridge between students and the teaching staff at the school. We work with education related issues to develop the programs. Together with THS Education and GRU, SN are constantly working to improve the education and study environment at the School of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health. SN also takes students’ opinions and concerns to THS Education to improve KTH as a whole. Students of the Education Board also participate in the School Council and Education Council to discuss education related issues with THS Education along with the Education Boards from other chapters.

The Education Board consists of a group of students with different posts that work with educational questions at different levels. These are as follows; Head of the Education Board (Studienämndens Ordförande på Kemisektionen, SNOK), programme managing students (Programansvariga Studenter, PAS), course managing students (Kursansvariga Studenter, KAS), a safety representative (Trygghetsombud, TryggO), and the first year’s representative, SN1.

Together, the Education Board functions as student representatives at KTH in several different areas. Among other things, SN evaluates the courses and work to improve and develop the programmes. This is mainly done through meetings with class representatives or course representatives, programme managing students (PAS), course managing students (KAS), teachers and programme managers (PA). The Education Board also pass along the voice of the students at board meetings where questions about educational plans, budget, learning objectives and teacher allocation in different courses are discussed. The Education Board may as well participate in the hiring or promoting of teachers. Problems with premises and injuries, and if someone feels unfairly treated by, for example any student, lab assistant or lecturer at the school belongs to TryggO's working area.

Please contact us if you have questions and opinions about your education and study time at KTH! The easiest way to contact us is by e-mail,!


SN members


SNOK is the leader of SN and represents SN in the chapter. The tasks for SNOK are among other things to plan and hold SN-meetings, stay in contact with THS, take care of the economy and attend OAR (OrganAnsvarigas Råd). SNOK also makes sure that the other members of SN know what to do and how to do it.

The Chairman of the Education Board, SNOK: Hanna Kastengren -

Student safety representative, TryggO:
Emilia Grundby -


TryggO is the student safety representative at the chapter and is also the leader of Kemisektionen's Equality Quommittee (KEq). Assignments for TryggO include to raise questions about equality and discrimination at Kemisektionen. TryggO attends meetings with other students with similar roles at their chapters to discuss these questions. Another task is to make sure the facilities in the school are study friendly. If you feel that you are being treated unfairly by another student or a teacher, TryggO is the one you should talk to! Read more abour TryggO’s work here.

PAS - K/bio/K-ing

PAS is the programme managing student and there is one for each program. PAS primary task is to develop the programme as a whole, together with the programme manager (PA) and the director of first and second cycle education (GA). KAS's evaluation of the courses is one of the things that underlies PAS's evaluation of the program as a whole. PAS can help you if you are having a general trouble with several courses in your programme and works as a link between the students and the teachers.

Program Manager Student for K, PAS-K: Sigrid Telliskivi -

Program Manager Student for Bio, PAS-Bio: Agnes Carlmark -

Program Manager Student for K-ing, PAS-King: Cassandra Nikander -

KAS - K/Bio

KAS is the course managing student and there is one both for the Biotechnology programme and the five-year Chemical engineering programme. KAS primary task is to develop courses in the programme together with the programme manager (PA) and the director of first and second cycle education (GA). To do so, KAS evaluates courses together with students from each year once every period. KAS evaluation of the courses goes forward to PAS. KAS can also help you if you are having trouble with a course and works as a link between the students and the teachers.

Course Manager Student for K, KAS-K:
Edvin Furtenbach -

Course Manager Student for Bio, KAS-Bio:
Ella Lundegren -

MAK - Master coordinator - K/BIo

The master coordinator works like PAS and KAS, but for the master programmes. They act as a link between master students and teachers and the programme director. MAK helps to develop the program by representing the students view. They collect feedback on courses every period, and presents to teachers and programme director as well as MAS councils.

Master coordinator for Bio, MAK-Bio:
Tilde Nordlander -

Master coordinator for K, MAK-K:
Sofia Wedin -


SN1 are the representatives from year 1 of the education and they are chosen after the reception. The role is to help the rest of SN to get an insight into the new students perspective of their first year. SN1 is a good way to early get an idea what it is like to be active in the chapter and how the education can be developed.