Student Support


The coordinating group for student with disabilities at KTH is called Funka. Funka helps students with long-term disabilities such as dyslexia. Common support provided by Funka is longer time at exams and help with taking notes. Funka is located at KTH entré and you can contact them via email:

Student counsellors

Any questions regarding the education, about the selection of courses or master programs, the practical necessities of taking a sabbatical year etc can be asked to the student counsellors.  There are student counsellors for every program. If you belong to the chemistry chapter, you can contact the student counsellors via the email or read more here.

The student health group

The student health group  provides help and support with study related difficulties. There are both nurses and counsellors available for counselling and guidance. the staff can also help with contacting other authorities in the society.  A visit to the student health group is free of charge but requires an appointment made on beforehand. An appointment can be made at the reception or via telephone and email. Find more information at KTH’s website here.


Equality, diversity and equal treatment

KTH and THS have a zero-tolerance policy against all kinds of discrimination, harassment, sexuall harassment and insulting special treatment. Discrimination means that an educational provider or fellow student on unfair grounds treats a student worse than others and the disadvantageous treatment relates to the grounds of discrimination.

KTH and THS have seven grounds for discrimination, they are:

  1. Sex

  2. Transgender identity or expression

  3. Ethnicity

  4. Disability

  5. Religion

  6. Sexual orientation

  7. Age

To get help and support when you have experienced discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or been subjected to insulting special treatment you can turn to the student safety representatives at the chemistry chapter called “TryggO”. TryggO can give you advice on how to proceed and who to contact. You can also turn directly to the student counselor for help and support.

Email TryggO:
Student counselor at CBH:


What will happen when you report an incident?

The first step is a conversation with the person you turn to for support, to discreetly find out what happened. Together, you discuss how to proceed. A complaint can be filed either in written form or spoken form.

When a complaint i filed that reports behavior that breaks KTHs rules the president must be notified, this gives rise to a so called disciplinary matter. Disciplinary matters are handled by the disciplinary board, consisting of  the president, a legally qualified member, teacher representatives and student representatives.

The penalties that may come as a result of harassment or discrimination

  • Disciplinary actions (suspension or a warning)

  • Police investigation.

Some advice for people who have been exposed to discrimination or violation:

  • You are the only one who decides if a behavior is unwelcome.

  • React immediately if you feel this type of behavior has occurred by seeking help and support.

  • Clarify for those who have subjected you the actions that they are unwelcome on your part (if you want to).