Common questions about the CHUST program.
When is the application period open?
The application opens on January 3rd, and closes on January 19th.
You can read about the application instructions and apply here.
Who can apply for the CHUST program?
The students qualifying for the CHUST program have completed three to four years of their five year educational program before the start of the CHUST program. If you are in year five, you may participate in the CHUST program if you have NOT been enrolled in your master thesis at the start of the CHUST-project (i.e. you will write your master thesis during the fall semester).
They are to graduate with the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Science and Engineering or Master of Science in Biotechnology. Both Swedish and International Students from the following programs are eligible:
Degree Program (Students in year 3, 4 or 5*):
Chemical Engineering
Master's Program (Students in year 1 or 2);
Chemical Engineering for Energy and the Environment (TKEMM)
Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology (TIMBM)
Medical Biotechnology (TMBIM)
Macromolecular Materials (TMMMM)
Molecular Science and Engineering (TMVTM)
If you are a registered student of any of the above programs, you can apply. Please note that all applicants must be students at KTH and not too close to graduation.
*You may not be or have been enrolled in your master thesis at the start of the CHUST-project.
What does my application have to contain?
The application should contain the following (in English):
A letter of motivation addressed to the Professor at the university of your FIRST preference, describing why you would be a suitable candidate. (Max. 1 A4.)*
A ranking of the projects that you are interested in.
Your CV.
The Official Transcript of Records from Ladok contains all courses passed and the total amount of points taken.
A calculated average grade (GPA) = SUM(grade x (amount possible mandatory credits)) / SUM(amount possible mandatory credits)), A=5, B=4,5, C=4, etc. You can do it manually or here by signing in with your KTH account.
Your interest in doing the internship as a project course through KTH.**
*Please be aware that the application will be presented to both the CHUST Committee and the hosting University. In case you are being nominated to a university of your lower preference, be prepared to submit an additional Motivation Letter addressed to the concerned Professor.
**More information further below.
I am an International Master's student, do I need to submit my Bachelor's Degree Transcripts as well?
No, we require only your KTH transcripts, irrespective of the number of courses you have completed here.
When will the application interview take place?
Individual application interviews will be held by the CHUST committee after the application deadline.
When will CHUST Announce the nominations for summer 2024?
Nominations to the CHUST program 2024, will be announced after all of the interviews are completed.
I am a KTH student, currently on exchange, can I apply?
Yes, if you are a student of any of the eligible programs, you can apply. However, it will be your responsibility to get your VISA and complete any related paperwork.
What does an internship entail?
An internship gives you the opportunity to boost your professional career by trying a new job! During the CHUST program, your workplace is a university and your job is to participate in a research program.
When will the internship take place?
Normally, the students work for 8-12 weeks during the summer holiday; the time varies between different projects. The working period is typically determined collaboratively between the hosting professor and the student, often through email communication, once the student has been nominated for the internship.
Where can I do my CHUST internship?
You can choose from the list of projects mentioned in the list that can be found under Projects (click here). We have top universities from both USA and Canada participate in this program.
How will my trip be financed?
The student is expected to personally finance his/her trip and living expenses. Some participating universities may provide financial aid, however, some may not. An alternative is to apply for different scholarships. If you do the internship as a project course through KTH, you are eligible for the CHUST travel grant.
What is a project course?
The CHUST internship can be done as a project course through KTH. There are various types of project courses available, each corresponding to different durations, credit requirements, and enrolled programs. Here, you find all available project courses for all programs (see page 2). By clicking on 'Project' for the course you are interested in, you will be directed to the KTH website for that course. There, you can find additional information about course criteria, examinations, and more. Note that the examination type may vary between courses!
The credits earned from the project course can be applied as an elective, provided they haven't already been used. If they have, the credits for the project course will be added on top of your maximum credit limit, meaning the project course will not be included in your program graduation certificate.
Who can do the CHUST internship as a Project Course?
You have to be enrolled in a program at KTH (e.g. a master’s program).
If you are an exchange student, the criteria are the same. You need to be enrolled in a program at KTH (e.g. a master’s program).
If you are an international fee-paying student, the fee for a project course is identical to that of any other course at KTH.*
*Contact David Grenot if you wish to replace or switch from an 'original' course, for which you have already paid, to a project course. While it's not guaranteed, early communication increases the likelihood of this possibility.
How to apply for a project course
In your application for CHUST, state if you are interested in doing the internship as a project course.
You will be informed if you are eligible to do the internship as a project course either by email or during the interview.
If you are nominated for an internship, you are required to either accept or decline the offer. Upon acceptance, you must provide your final decision regarding whether you wish to do the internship as a project course. If you choose to do so, you will need to complete the two documents provided below and submit them via email along with your acceptance.
CHUST will assign an examiner for the project course; you are not responsible for doing so. You will receive notification of the assigned examiner via email.
Perks of doing the CHUST internship as a project course
Swedish students can apply for CSN.
You will be insured through Kammarkollegiet; however, you may need additional insurance, depending on which state you are travelling to.*
You will be granted the CHUST travel grant. No specific application is required.
*Questions? Contact David Grenot.