For functionaries

Listed below are documents and information that could be helpful for you as a Head of an association or other functionary.


Templates are a great help in assisting you when you have to submit a report, a motion, confirmation text for your newly elected members, or simply just want to print some more receipt accounting forms to get your moneys back! Here you’ll find them all! Disclaimer: The documents are mostly in Swedish. If you want a specific template in English, please send an email to

Document templates Following the graphic charter

Election texts




Forms are meant for you to gain help or access from associations, association heads and board members to make your, and their, work easier. Below you’ll find forms for Draget and email access, as well as printing form.


Guides are here to, you guessed it!, guide you in your position as association member. Most of these are only available in Swedish, except those explicitly stated to be in English, and the Instagram Guidelines. Questions or proposition for an English version of a guide can be sent to

CoVID-19 Checklist for events

This checklist is important to follow and take a stand to when arranging events. If questions appear, please send an e-mail to

Equality, Diversity and Equal Treatment (JML)

Kemisektionen continually works with equality, diversity and equal treatment, which is shortened JML (from the Swedish words). To help association heads with this, below you will find a proposed discussion basis for a JML analysis of an association, as well as the link to the chapter’s collection of case studies. The material is available in both Swedish and English.

Dragets städschema

v.3 $tyrelsen, v.4 KÖN, v.5 IN, v.6 Krexet, v.7 CIA/Liganderna/SN, v.8 KNUT, v.9 KÄKA, v.10 Tentaperiod, v.11 Tentaperiod, v.12 HU/KN, v.13 Krexet, v.14 MD, v.15 KOMPIS, v.16 omtentaP, v.17 KAOS, v.18 pHeuseriet v.19 Bluffis, v.20 VB/TP/Revisorerna

Contact persons from the chapter board

Elsa Berlin, President, - Valberedningen, KK, Alkemisterna, CIA, Fanbärarna

Lou Hellquist, Vice President, - (BAR)

Andreas Lund, Treasurer, - TLC, IN, HU, KÄKA

Stella Staffas, Head of Communication, - KN, KF, Keq

Axel Langlet, Head of Chapter Hall, - SOFT, Paparazzi, CHUST

Love Wiklund, Secretary, - TP, Liganderna, KOMPIS, MD

Markus Olsson, Event Coordinator, - KÖN, pH, KAOS, Krexet

Linnéa Lindquist, Ambassador, - KNUT, SN, UK, Bluffis, Veritas, Salamandrarna