Aplication date for open positions postponed

Hello Chapter! The Election Committee is happy to announce that the final day of application has been postponed until January 26th! So keep calm and apply!

The available positions are:

  • Ordförande i styrelsen
    (Chairman of chapter Board)

  • Vice-Ordförande i styrelsen
    (vice-Chairman of Chapter Board)

  • Kassör i styrelsen

  • Ledamot i styrelsen
    (Member of Chapter Board)

  • KAS-K
    (Course coordinator Chemistry)




  • INO

  • VINO

  • Klubbmästare

  • Pubmästare

  • Sexmästarinne

  • GenerÖl

  • Ölverste

  • Master Chef

  • Sous Chef

  • JubileumsKapten

  • JubileumsKorpral

  • JubileumsSkattmästare

Application can be found under Chapter > Available positions