Söken inför SM1 är öppna!! Apply for the leadership roles elected during SM1!!

(english below)

Nu har äntligen söken för ansvarsposterna inför SM1 öppnat!!

Är du redo för nya utmaningar?

Vill du ha lärorik erfarenhet från ledarrollen under din studietid? (mycket applicerbart för ingenjörer!)

Månar du om att Kemisektionen ska fortsätta fungera och utvecklas?

Sök en ansvarspost!!

The application for the leadership positions elected during SM1 has now finally opened!! 

Are you ready for new challenges?  

Do you want actual experience of leadership positions during your education? 

Are you passionate about Kemisektionen continuing to function and evolve? 

Apply to a leadership role!!! 

  • Right now Valberedningen is searching for: 

2st revisorer: The Revisor's task is to review the board and the section's operations and accounting. Very important work!

ordförande för CIA: The head of the Chemistry chapters International Association. Works with integrating the international students into the chemistry chapter and KTH.

Öphervpheus: The head of the reception. Enables the welcome of new students, the traditions and festivities surrounding the first two weeks at KTH.

Hvispheus: The vice head of the reception. Enables the welcome of new students, the traditions and festivities surrounding the first two weeks at KTH.

Kronpheus: The financial head of the reception. Enables the welcome of new students, the traditions and festivities surrounding the first two weeks at KTH.

DM: The head of Musikaliska Direktoriet which is responsible for many of the chemistry chapters song- and spex traditions.

Vice DM: The vice head of Musikaliska Direktoriet which is responsible for many of the chemistry chapters song- and spex traditions.

Kas-Bio: The one responsible for the student's voice regarding the courses in the biology program. Works with SN, THS and the faculty to improve the courses. 

Kas-K: The one responsible for the student's voice regarding the courses in the chemistry program. Works with SN, THS and the faculty to improve the courses. 

One board member: The board has a key role in directing and supporting the section. As a member of the board, you will have one or more areas of responsibility that you work actively with to improve.

Go in under Chapter - available positions - leadership roles and apply!!!