Aplication date for open positions postponed

Hello Chapter! The Election Committee is happy to announce that the final day of application has been postponed until January 26th! So keep calm and apply!

The available positions are:

  • Ordförande i styrelsen
    (Chairman of chapter Board)

  • Vice-Ordförande i styrelsen
    (vice-Chairman of Chapter Board)

  • Kassör i styrelsen

  • Ledamot i styrelsen
    (Member of Chapter Board)

  • KAS-K
    (Course coordinator Chemistry)




  • INO

  • VINO

  • Klubbmästare

  • Pubmästare

  • Sexmästarinne

  • GenerÖl

  • Ölverste

  • Master Chef

  • Sous Chef

  • JubileumsKapten

  • JubileumsKorpral

  • JubileumsSkattmästare

Application can be found under Chapter > Available positions

Nomination for the prize of equality and diversity for students 2019

Every year KTH awards a prize for a student who in the last year has made a difference in equality and/or diversity work at KTH. The work must have been made in relation to work environment, education and/or research at KTH. The prize is handed out at the Diploma Ceremony in December. The deadline for submission of nominations is the 13th of November.

You can nominate someone here

Apply for the Union Council or Union Management Team!

Apply for the Union Council or Union Management Team!

Right now, the application is open for two of the most critically important bodies in THS: the Union Council (Kårfullmäktige) which is the highest governing body, and the Union Management Team (Kårledningen) which are the main operative branch of THS.

You may submit your candidature for the Union Council here until September 30: http://thskth.se/candidate. All chapter members will then be able to vote for their preferred candidate. More information is available here: https://ths.kth.se/en/news/kandidera-till-karfullmaktige-2019-2020

You can read about the different positions within the Union Management Team and submit you application here until October 1: https://techrec.se/jobs/union/. The Union Management Team are full time jobs where you take a year off from your studies and instead get pay from THS.